Paint wax on at C’est What

Happy Valentine’s Day

and who am I? that’s one secret I’ll never tell You know you love me.
x o x o

Secret Paint weapon Mandy Dunbar in 3D @ C'est What. Put on your Spy Kids 3D glasses for full effect.

played it fast and loose on stage in yet another fun night down Tuesday during its February residency at C’est What filled with humour always not entirely of their own devising. The Paint residency is a slightly a-kilter arrangement with the two bands for the evening fronted with a comedian and interjected in between acts.

There’s a longer story waiting to be written in the next installment with Paint after the third show of the residency at C’est What this coming Tuesday, the 15th after Valentine’s day.

For this night Mittenz and Paint who have a small history of playing with each other starting with Pop With Brains—a benefit show at the Rivoli for the CMHA—and another show again at C’est What last November, the two bands were in the mood for playtimetime together again and uncaged a fast and furry-ous show.

Mittenz Emily Bones @ C'est What

with crimson hair a-blazing, the rock goddesses were far from haughty and imperious but a bundle of fun infused with Letters to Cleo energy [à la Kay Hanley on the rooftop of 10 Things I Hate About You who we did manage to see once upon a time at the Opera House—dream came true—or another dream come true Juliana Hatfield vibe, a name we do not toss out lightly at all].


MITTENZ who started out as a pairing comprised of Emily Bones and Mary Deth [great Derby name] has fleshed out considerably from the duo pieces put up on their myspace page—Mittenz with the addition of the bass Laura and a more permanent Lindsay Bird drummer to become the all-female combo. Mittenz are more minxy than grrrowly bunch of kittenz on stage and having a seriously good time on stage in front of a packed C’est What room [it was Lindsay Bird’s birthday after all]. Mittenz were more than a handful in the crowded basement filled with followers, friends and parental types. And there was birthday cake! Mittenz are a fun combo having fun on the stage with a nice mix of pop and skattelite—with serious intentions. Though being a band in the growing and transition “that’s us in a nutshell,’ says Emily Bones—adding permanent members into the fold is a matter of finding the right chemistry. After their next gig March 5, 2011 at Silver Dollar there are recording plans for a full CD on the line.

Andre before getting waxed

Paint upped their energy quotient considerably following a fun and festive set from Mittenz – Parts of the banter were silly and goofy with Mandy asking the crowd to buy the soundman a beer – and then a shout out to a parent “buy him a pop!”

Paint have an exceptional sense of the pop and the new wave steeped in the roots of the hallowed order of Factory Records made music and Manchester [even before Madchester took hold]. Paint have discovered a real edgy knack for what catches the ear. Their sound rings shiny and true bursting with a larger than life vigour. However, they don’t take the pulpit of the platform they stand on or that one step above the floor on C’est What to forcefeed their minions with a slick rehearsed to a T show. They don’t preen or preach, they just deliver the goods and friendly chat with their crowds. Even guitarist Mandy Dunbar took over the banter paraphrasing Robb’s past introductions to their 102.1 radio hit Strangers. Standing in the far corner lurks the bottom end foundation of the band in the form of Marcus Warren who stands in some stealth form of Adam Clayton albeit Clayton does smile and occasionally sings.

Each Tuesday of the residency is crafting together their set from a batch of new songs being made ready for the studio recording and some trusty standbys including their new video song Madonna currently on their youtube site. Robb Johannes, the Paint man of words and gestures on guitar took a chance with the crowd, adding a very nice touch of Rattle and Hum with a call and response With or Without You just as Home was seguing into …. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition – let alone the Paint drummer Andre Dey who got smacked by the candle that fell off the mantelpiece over the fireplace after a wild and crazy drive through If The Walls Could Talk.

The evening capped off with a wry and spirited [and a bit of a Bill Murray deja vu Lost in Translation after Groundhog Day moment] rendition of What’s So Funny ‘bout Peace Love and Understanding. A stranger than strangers evening indeed. And a build-up to the can’t wait third residency show on the 15th with the Joys singer Sarah Smith [see previous posting on The Joys] and a new comedian Jeff Dawidowitz. Along with the news of their participation into Canadian Music Week at Velvet Underground on March 12th everything is Happy happy joy joy!

all content copyright © midnight matinee

Mittenz badge Midnight Matinee 24 Mittenz @ C'est What - February 8, 2011 photos Midnight Matinee 24 Mittenz @ C’est What – February 8, 2011 photos

Midnight Matinee 24 Paint @ C'est What #2 - February 8, 2011 photoset Midnight Matinee 24 Paint @ C’est What #2 – February 8, 2011 photos

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